
16 Democratic People's Republic of Korea and Republic of Korea

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.


Which country controlled the Koreas before World War II?


The Yalta agreement, which was signed by the United States, the Soviet Union, and Great Britain at the end of World War II, called for
the countries to unite under one leader.
each country to temporarily occupy the areas where they had troops when the war ended.
each country to permanently occupy the areas where they had troops when the war ended.
dividing the Korean peninsula into North Korea and South Korea.


Why is air pollution a problem in South Korea, but not in North Korea?
South Korea does not do a good job of enforcing air quality standards.
South Korea is more industrialized; both factory emissions and car emissions pollute the air.
North Korea has stricter air quality laws.
all of the above


How is the United States portrayed in North Korea?
as evil and a threat to North Korea
as a potential trading partner
as a neutral nation
as an ally


In the international community, for what reasons are the actions of North Korea a cause of concern?
massive buildup of armed forces
frequent military provocations
nuclear weapons development program
all of the above


The idea that “if one country falls to communism, neighboring countries are likely to fall to communism” is known as which of the following?
domino theory
policy of containment


The United Nations and the United States have imposed sanctions on North Korea to encourage the country to abandon its nuclear weapons program. What are sanctions?
economic punishments

Multiple Response
Identify one or more choices that best complete the statement or answer the question.


Which of these statements is TRUE of where the people of North Korea live? Select ALL that apply.
Most of the people in North Korea live in the mountainous areas.
Most of the people in North Korea live in the western half of the country where farming is more successful.
About 60% of the people live in urban areas.
About 60% of the people live in rural areas.


Which of these statements is TRUE of where the people of South Korea live? Select ALL that apply.
Most of the people in South Korea live along the coast.
Most of the people in South Korea live in rural areas.
About 83% of the people live in urban areas where there are better opportunities.
About 20% of the people live in Seoul.


What geographical features do South Korea and North Korea have in common? Select ALL that apply.
Both countries are mountainous.
Both countries are located on the Korean peninsula.
Both countries have much arable land.
Both countries have many fast-moving rivers which the Koreans use to generate hydroelectricity.


What geographical features differentiate South Korea from North Korea? Select ALL that apply.
North Korea is mountainous, making it difficult to farm.
South Korea is mountainous, making it difficult to farm.
South Korea has fewer mountains than North Korea, and farming is more successful.
North Korea has fewer mountains than South Korea, and farming is more successful.


Both South and North Korea have problems with water pollution, but the causes are different. Select ALL of the statements which are TRUE of the causes in each country.
In South Korea, the pollution is a result of waterborne diseases in the water  and poor agricultural practices like soil erosion.
In North Korea, the pollution is a result of waterborne diseases in the water and poor agricultural practices like soil erosion.
In South Korea, the pollution is a result of industrial waste and sewage dumped into the water.
In North Korea, the pollution is a result of industrial waste and sewage dumped into the water.


Agriculture in North Korea does not produce enough to feed the population, which has caused famine in recent years. Which factors contribute to the difficult economic situation? Select ALL that apply.
limited arable land
millions spent on the military
UN Security Council sanctions
few countries willing to trade with the country


The economies of South and North Korea are very different. Select ALL of the ways the economies differ.
In North Korea, the Communist government controls the economy and decides who will do what jobs.
In North Korea, entrepreneurship is prohibited, yet a black market has grown there in recent years.
In South Korea, entrepreneurship is encouraged and the market economy is strong and growing.
North Korea has a strong and growing market economy.


Why did the U. S. and 16 other countries form a coalition to help defend South Korea when North Korea invaded the country in 1950?
to support their economic interests
to stop the spread of communism
to make sure the countries remain divided
to honor the Yalta agreement


Which of these statements describes the government of North Korea, and level of citizen participation in the government? Select ALL that apply.
North Korea is a communist state under the autocratic rule of the Supreme Leader.
Members of parliament are selected by the Workers’ Party of Korea.
Citizens vote for members of parliament.
Elections are held, but citizens do not have a choice in the person they vote for.


Which of these statements describes the government of South Korea, and level of citizen participation in the government? Select ALL that apply.
South Korea is a presidential republic with the president as head of government.
South Korea is a constitutional monarchy.
Citizens vote for the president and members of the National Assembly.
The prime minister is appointed by the president and approved by the National Assembly.

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